Jayprakash Education Society's

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya

Barrister Tatyasaheb Mane Vidyanagar, Peth-Vadgaon


 “Celebration of International Year Millets – 2023”



Day & Date : Monday, 17th Oct. 2022                            Time : 9:30 a.m.


"Creating Awareness about Millets"




Welcome & Introduction       :         Dr. A. D. Attar

                                                Head, Department of Economics


Speaker                                   :         Prof. Kishor Kamble

                                                          Assit. Prof., Department of Economics


Chairperson                           :         Prin. Dr. S. D. Disale

                                                          Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya, Peth-Vadgaon


Special Invitee                        :         Hon. Prof. Miss. P. S. Mane (Tai)

                                                          Member of Governing Council,

                                                                                                Jayprakash Education Society’s


Compere                                 :         Mr. A. D. Powar

                                                                        Assit. Prof., Dept. of Economics               

Vote of Thanks                      :         Dr. S. A. Tawandkar


Venue                                        :         Conference Hall (Room No. 1)