Program Outcome  (PO)   


PO 1


Develop the ability to explain core economic terms , concepts, and theories


PO 2

.  Demonstrate the ability to employ the “ economic way of thinking.”


PO 3

  Demonstrate awareness of global, historical, and institutional forces


PO 4

Apply economics theories and concepts to contemporary social issues as well as                                                           formulation and analysis of policy.

PO 5

  Recognize the role of ethical values in economic decisions


PO 6

.  Demonstrate the ability to collect, process and interpret data, including statistical                                                inference                    

PO 7

  Be able to use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic                           matters.                                  

PO 8

Apply both oral and written communication skills within the discipline.



Course Outcomes (CO)      

B.A. -1   Indian   Economy                                                                                                    

CO.1   Understanding characteristics, features, structural changes in Indian                      Economy.                                                                                                        

CO.2   Comprehension of the nature and impact of New Economic Reforms on                                                the Indian Economy                                                                             

CO.3   Knowing the problems of unemployment, poverty, rising economic and   

             social  inequality   and problems of regional  imbalance in India.                     

CO.4   Evaluating the changing role of agriculture. Industrial and service sector    

             and foreign sector  in Indian Economy.                                                             

CO.5   Measuring the problems prospects of cottage and small scale industries,

            and industrial  sicknesses.                                                                                      

CO.6   Measuring the growth,volume,composition and direction of India’s    

              foreign  trade and capital inflo since 1991.                                                                                                                                            

B A -II Banks and Financial Institutions

CO.1   Understanding the meaning, function function and role of commercial


CO.2   Comprehending the procedure of an account opening, operating and


CO.3    Knowing the structure, function and role of RBI in economic


CO. 4   Judging the progress of financial inclusion.                                                   

CO.5    Evaluating the importance, characteristics and components of the

               Financial market.

CO.6    Understanding the role and types of development banks and Non

                Banking financial  intermediaries.

CO. 7    Realizing the banking reforms and basel norms-1 and 2.                         

CO.8     Identifying recent trends in Indian banking such as E-Banking, MICR

               clearing, ATMs, Credit Cards and Debit Cards, Travelers Cheques, Gift

                cheques, Demat Accoount.          

B A -II Macro Economics

CO.1     Identifying the basic concepts and theories of Macro Economics.                     

CO.2  Awareness about changing macroeconomics policies and theories.     

CO.3     Understanding various concepts such as; GDP, GNP, NNP, Personal

              Income, Disposable Income, Per Capita Income, and National Incom 

CO.4    Identifying the factors determining gross domestic product,        

             employment, the general  level of prices, and interest rates.                 

CO.5    Realizing the law of markets, consumption function and investment


CO.6     Judging the role of fiscal policy and monetory policy in a Developing


CO. 7    Knowing features, phases and theories of trade cycles.                         

CO. 8    Evaluating types, merits and demerits of taxes.                                                  

CO.9     Comprehending the role of public finance in developing.     

B A -III Micro Economics            

CO. 1     Knowing the decision making of consumer.                                                

CO. 2     Identifying the nature of revenue and cost of production.       

CO. 3     Comprehending the demand function and production function.                

CO. 4     Realizing various production theories.  

CO. 5     Clarifying the meaning of marginal, average, total revenue, and

                   marginal, average and total costs and its implication.                           

CO. 6     Awareness of different markets structure.                                                   

CO. 7     Understanding pricing in different markets.                                         

CO. 8     Judging the factor pricing.                          

B A -III Research Methodology in Economics

CO. 1     Understanding the basic framework of research process.                    

CO. 2     Defining various research designs and techniques.                                       

CO. 3     Identifying various sources of information for literature review  and   

               data collection. 

CO.4   Discussing the ethical dimensions of conducting applied research.      

CO.5      Appreciating the components of scholarly writing and evaluate its


CO. 6     Knowing various aspects of Research in Economics.                                

CO.7     Understanding various data analysis techniques ( Mean, Median, Mode,  

              Range, Standard Deviation Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation).    

CO. 8     Ability to interpretation of data and report writing.     

 B A –III History of Economic Thoughts   

CO. 1     Acquaintance with the economic thoughts of Classical, Nationalist and

               Socialist Thinkers.

CO. 2     Judging the development of economic thoughts.                                     

CO.3      Realizing the economic concepts and theories of Neo-Classical and

               Indian thinkers.

CO. 4     Evaluating the development of Indian economic thoughts. 

B A -III Economics of  Development

CO.1   Understanding the concept and aspects of economic Development.     

CO. 2     Knowing the theories of economic growth and Development.                 

CO. 3     Measuring the concept and issues of economic planning.              

CO. 4     Discussing the need, types and necessary conditions of economic


B A -III   International Economics

CO. 1   Elaborating the importance of the study of International Economics.   

CO. 2    Finding similarities and dissimilarities in inter-regional and international


 CO. 3   Knowing the changes in the import –export policies of India.                     

CO. 4     Evaluating various types of exchange rates and its merits and demerits 

CO. 5     Discussing the types and effects of tariffs and quotas.                                   

CO. 6    Judging the function, merits and demerits of Foreign Capital, and 

 International Corporation (IMF,IBRD, WTO, and SAARC)                                                                                                                            

CO. 7     Realizing the volume, composition and direction of Balance of trade

               and balance of payments.